• Logo
  • Packaging Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Promotional Mailer
  • Promotional Mailer
  • Promotional Mailer
  • Promotional Mailer
  • Identity Collateral
    business cards
  • Identity Collateral

Identity: Wild Chocolates.

Company Description
Wild Chocolates is a company that strives to deliver a rowdy and succulent variety of quality chocolates and bring you more than great-tasting chocolates through its online store, designated specialty stores, and point-of-purchase locations at national retailers and wholesalers. Wild Chocolates is here to deliver a new brand experience. Animism supports the belief that there is no separation between the spiritual and physical worlds, and souls or spirits exist, not only in humans, but also in all other animals. It follows that certain humans are related to a certain “power animal.” Power animals have certain characteristics. Chocolates have certain characteristics as well. In addition, certain power animals and chocolates share similar characteristics. Furthermore, certain types of people are drawn to certain types of chocolate flavors and their characteristics. Therefore, could it be possible that if chocolate=power animal, and chocolate=person, then power animal=person? Wild Chocolates is here to help you find out. The company is willing to go wild with this idea. It is time to discover your power animal. Wild Chocolates is here to stay.

Target Market
Customers do not have to possess a high degree of education to understand the concept of the product. Animism delves into other areas of belief associated with Hinduism, Buddhism, Pantheism, and Neopaganism; however, the company seeks to inform and relate itself only to the “power animal” aspect of the belief system. For this reason, religions that typically reject Animism, such as Catholicism and Baptist Christianity, would not be opposed to the product. The concept focuses on the fun, and not the religions associated with it. Since the premise of the product is to be fun and energetic, the company seeks to target a market group primarily characterized by a lifestyle driven by the desire of seeking innovative ideas and fun. This age group is comprised predominantly by individuals 10 years-25 years. Nevertheless, the idea of fun is fitting to the age group of people 4 years and up—basically, anybody who can eat chocolate. Due to higher pricing, customers would mainly be found in the middle-income level, choosing the quality and brand experience over the cheapest price. The company aims to work in the continental United States, promoting the product to members of every race. Customers are equally male and female.

Design Strategy
In order to convey the concept of the brand, the visual treatment requires design elements associated with words such as fun, energy, and wildness. The logo, packaging, brochures, and point-of-purchase locations must have a contemporary/interactive design. Illustrations are both family-friendly and simplified. Furthermore, the typography alludes to the New Typographic Expression movement, focusing to actively illustrate with type and convey energy. Vivid colors and the employment of text at angles also depict energy. Ultimately, the consistent use of bite marks, animal print, and the “monkey mark” as brand signatures advance the idea of wildness.

  • 2011

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